Last Few Buttons

Last Few Buttons

This political cartoon is from the Women’s Rights Movement.  It shows that they have almost everything done, but the last past of getting the 19th Amendment to the Constitution will be the hardest part.  This is an example of First Wave Feminism, which came before World War II and focused on equal rights for women, especially involving voting.

This is related to our class discussions on Feminism.  In the movie shown in class, “Iron-Jawed Angels,” the hardest part was getting the right for women to vote.  The government continued to give in on the smaller things, but continued to leave women out of voting processes, which is what they truly wanted.  Getting the right to vote was the last thing on their list and it was the hardest thing to achieve.

Gamble, T. K., & Gamble, M. W (2003).  The gender communication connection. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.


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